Weekend Wind-Down Party #3

It's time once again to link up your favorite posts from the week!  Please be sure to review and follow the rules!
 We're the hosts.  We all thank you for joining in the fun!  We appreciate the variety of family-friendly posts you share.  As the hosts, we visit those who join in the party.  We also pin our favorite posts and feature them in the next week's party post, but only if you have linked to us!

 Please follow each of the hosts in any way you wish!  We want to connect with you while getting the word out about your great links!

This Simple Home @


De Divah Deals @


Snippets of Inspiration @


A Ranch Mom @


Mendez Manor @


A Living Sacrifice @


Mustard Seed Mommy @


Moms Who Save @


Last week's featured posts are...
5 steps to go from surviving to thriving
Budget Master Bedroom Makeover--great ideas!
cleaners, cleaning supplies, homemade cleaning supplies, essential oils
This time I chose the craft fair ideas...just in case of someday.  :)  If you were featured, please grab the button below.  If you want to be featured next week, be sure you are linking to the party! 
~ Annette {This Simple Mom}
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. By purchasing an item through a link, I will earn a small percentage. Thank you!
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  1. Thank you so so much for featuring my $30 Budget Bedroom Makeover! You just made my day!

  2. Thanks for hosting Annette! Awesome party :)


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