When I'm sick, I need to stay away from the family.
If my husband is home, he can take care of everything. And if not...they can manage since I don't have an infant.
In the past I would stay on the couch thinking it was good to take part in the family activities. But really, this meant that I asked the kids to be a bit quieter than usual and every little thing annoyed me. Just by being present, it allowed them to rely upon me more than their father. It also made me feel guilty for not providing for the family the bottom-wiping and meals that I typically do.
By staying in bed, I nap when I need to nap. And that is how I get better.
Even if my husband were not at home, I know Big Sister (age 8) is capable of making a bowl of cereal. She can make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches...I think. Even Brother can find an apple in the drawer of the fridge. It won't hurt them to eat it unwashed once or twice.
That's what I did on Saturday. I stayed in bed all day. My husband brought me, at my request, a slice of buttered toast for breakfast. Big Sister brought me a glass of juice shortly after my toast feast. I didn't think I could drink it, but it was delicious.
Big Sister also checked my temperature since she knows that is what her mommy does when someone is sick. As suspected, it was fine. Then she handed me a book from my nightstand. I explained I wasn't up for reading which is a proclamation in itself. I returned to sleep.
Around one o'clock I was hungry enough for lunch and ventured downstairs. Not much was available (or appealing), so I had a bowl of cereal. All afternoon I napped or read (which means I was better than the morning).
I awoke around five. It was eerily quiet. I napped a bit more, and then determined I was hungry. As I went downstairs, I suspected my husband had taken the children out for dinner. Instead, he was working on dinner and the children were watching television. That's why they were so quiet. He had found some frozen chicken and french fries in the freezer.
I sat with the family for dinner, nibbling at dinner, and then returned to bed. I knew I must be feeling better since the bed had become uncomfortable.
I dozed and read some more. My husband had the children all bathed and tucked in by 7:15...just a few minutes later than usual. He reminded me to set my clock back since daylight saving time was about to end.
I finished my book and decided I was hungry. Other than cookies in the freezer, nothing looked good, so I had another bowl of cereal. I ventured to the computer and responded to a couple of emails. Then, I went to bed. It was 8:30 (or 7:30...depending on how you want to look at it). I took all that remained of the NyQuil (a half dose) and slept until six in the morning.
Feeling a bit better, I dressed Little Sister for church and checked in with the big kids. Then I crawled back into bed. Later, I ventured out for breakfast on the couch. Obviously, I am feeling better since I took the time to open the computer and write a few sentences. Forgive me if they don't make a lot of sense. Now, I'm thinking a shower might do me well, but first...a nap.
This was my first time staying in bed. Getting the quiet and the rest I needed will not be forgotten. How do you get better?
P.S. Don't forget to vote on Tuesday!
~ Annette
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Honestly, that's the best thing you can do. Getting the rest you need to get over a cold or flu is better than pushing through and extending it or making it worse. Hope you're back to 100% asap.
ReplyDeleteI spent Saturday in bed and on the couch too. I knew if I didn't rest all day that I would be worthless again this week. I feel so guilty, but like you said, they are old enough to get cereal or a sandwich. I hope you feel better soon ((hugs))
ReplyDeleteOh, I hibernate at every chance. I still feel guilty, because it can easily become the norm....
ReplyDeleteI know how you feel Annette. Sometimes by being sick I feel like I am missing out on something important. However most of the time when I don't feel good I hibernate in my room and put on some love movies and call it a day.