August and September 2014 Nightstand

During August and September I have made a good amount of time to read. Lots of good reading. Several of the books have a central theme, as you'll see. I promise to explain why!

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Miss Penegrine's School for Peculiar Children, by Ransom Riggs was a birthday gift from my husband. Reading the description, this book seemed to be perfect for me. I would not call it perfect, but it was okay. Jacob's grandfather dies and to help Jacob cope, he travels to the island his grandfather once called home. There he meets many of his grandfather's old and peculiar friends. Being mainline fiction, this has a whole lot more cursing in it than needed, even if told from a teen's perspective. I would say if you think you want to read this book, borrow it. Don't buy it. But really, you have better things to read.

Little House in the Big Woods, by Laura Ingalls Wilder.  This was my first time actually reading (not listening to) a Little House book in a couple of years.  (The previous one was not by LIW. It was about Rose, called Little House on Rocky Ridge.) I always enjoy these books, despite the simplicity. I even created a Little House in the Big Woods discussion guide for readers of my new blog. Lots of fun! It would be perfect for book clubs or parent/children reading together.

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian, by C.S. Lewis. I'm finding great joy slowly reading Narnia with my kids. Now that school has begun, we read each morning at the bus stop with the guide, Roar, beside us. I highly recommend Roar for any family who reads Narnia aloud.


Create Your Writer Platform, by Chuck Sambuchino. This was an easy read which helps authors
understand the need for a platform before getting published. (A platform is your visibility as an author like a website and social media.) It was interesting to read. I'll store the information away for someday.

Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full, by Gloria Furman. This was an encouraging and realistic book for moms of all sorts. It was also short and easy to read...especially good for busy women. Definitely recommend. (I think highly recommend, but it's been a while since I finished it.)

Much of my reading has been focused on Laura Ingalls Wilder and her books. I've actually started a new blog. Little House Companion explores the books of LIW, as well as books about her.

Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Biography, by William Anderson. (Linked to full review.) A thorough biography of LIW and appropriate for children.

Currently Reading

Women of the Word, by Jen Wilkin. I had refused this as a review copy because of time. (Have you noticed I'm writing less about books?) However, I bought it myself after reading several reviews by friends like you. Thank you for recommending it. I highly recommend it myself.

Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little Town, by John E. Miller. This seems to be a solid examination comparing historic truths to Laura's books which were fiction, based on her life experience.

The Best Yes: Making Wise Desicions in the Midst of Endless Demands, by Lysa Terkeurst. A few friends and I will be reading this book together. Can't wait. I even bought it, knowing how much I learned from Unglued which also made my favorite books of 2013.

I'll be reading more Little House and Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Writer's Life for a free, on-line class this semester.  Keep up all of my Little House ventures at Little House Companion, my new blog. Let me know if you sign up for the free LIW class.

Oh, I'm also listening to The Fellowship of the Ring! Finally.

Find out what others are reading at 5 Minutes for Books.

~ Annette
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  1. We're never too old for the Narnia books! I still love reading them (and especially since I missed them in my youth). Create Your Writer Platform sounds interesting. Maybe someday it would be applicable to me too. I've been listening to interviews with Lysa Terkeurst on Family Life Today about The Best Yes. Sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing your list, Annette.

  2. I really enjoyed Unglued but haven't gotten The Best Yes yet - haven't heard much about it so far.

    The writer's platform sounds interesting, too.

    I've heard good things about Furman's books.

    I thoroughly enjoyed listening to The Hobbit narrated by Rob Inglis - will have to listen to LORD some time, too. I think I have read the first two books in the series but not the last one.

  3. I'm next in line at the library for The Best Yes. I can't wait, since I love Terkeurst.

    I've had Miss Penegrine on my shelf for awhile, but it doesn't really sound like my kind of book now.

    I loved Treasuring Christ!

  4. Your class sounds like fun - as does the blog you've created to collect your thoughts. If I had more time this year, I'd take the class myself. As it is, I'm going to have to pick up Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little Town - it sounds right up my alley.

  5. I have a sweet image in my mind of a mom reading to her kiddos at the bus stop. What sweet memories for your children! Looking up a couple of titles you mentioned. My list of books to read is getting longer and longer!

  6. Narnia at the bus stop. I think that's pure awesomeness.

    I have picked up and set down Miss Penegrine numerous times in the last month since you mentioned that you were in possession of a copy. However, I kept telling myself to wait and hear your thoughts on it. I'm rather glad now that I didn't buy it. "Ok" is quite different from "WOW!" So I'll probably pass. Thanks for following up on that one and letting us/me know what your impression was!


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