Counter Clutter

I find that the kitchen counter gets rather cluttered when the dishwasher is doing its job and we have dirty dishes waiting to get washed.  I prefer to stack the dishes and place the dirty silverware in a jar.  It keeps the silverware clutter contained.  It works well for us, so I thought I would share it with readers, too.

Linked to Titus2Tuesdays.
~ Annette {This Simple Mom}


  1. That is a great idea! It all congregates in our sink.

  2. That IS a great idea! Our kitchen is tiny and gets cluttered really quick with dirty dishes. We'll have to use this idea now.

  3. I accidentally deleted this comment from Live It:

    I have two jars one for sharp knives and one for the other silverware. No more losing them in the bottom of the sink. When I go to do dishes I fill the jars with the same soapy solution thats in the sink they get to soak till the end and I don't hurt my fingers or the other dishes. Makes it easy to get the food items out from the fork tines too.

  4. excellent idea! I shall begin this right away. Sometimes its the little things, right?!


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