Friday Favorite Five #14

It's been two weeks since I last joined up to share my top five of the week.

1. Family.  Last week we had family coming into town for the weekend (thirteen of us were here)....We had an additional five adults and one extra child sleep here, and it all worked out well.  My husband's family brings lots of food so some of the pressure is off me.

2. Easter.  I didn't grow up in a home where Easter was about Jesus, so it's extra special to know that my kids are celebrating the real Easter.

3. A bit of sleep.  I've been going to bed around nine, and sometimes I don't even read because I am so tired.  Little Sis even tries to sleep through the night about once a month; I'm hoping that she will slowly start sleeping till 5 or 6 in the morning.  But I'm still exhausted.  (I don't even feel like blogging.  This week was fully scheduled except this post.  Unfortunately I didn't get ahead with my blogging either.)

4. Walks.  One of my neighbors and I have been walking for about an hour in the evenings for exercise.  (Meaning no children walking with me, though I did push Little Sis one warm evening.)  I really need the exercise.  Unfortunately between t-ball (twice a week), softball (my husband's passion once a week), and mowing the lawn, it only happens about once a week.

5. Reviewing books.  Our budget doesn't allow me to buy all the books I want to own, and my library doesn't always have what I want.  I am grateful to the publishing industry who works with bloggers like me.  I am very happy to give an honest review in exchange for a book.  Some upcoming reviews: Lit! A Christian Guide to Reading Books, The Extraordinary Education of Nicholas Benedict  (with a giveaway for three books here), The 5 Love Languages of Children, and The Story of Beautiful Girl.  I recently purchased Keeping House: The Litany of Everyday Life and will likely share thoughts on that, too.
Bonus: Little Sis has been eating food really well.  She took to food better than either of the other two.  I think her nose is already turning orange from all the veggies!  She typically eats a jar or equivalent twice a day, and rice or oatmeal at dinnertime.  (Big Sis and Brother would allow a jar to last several days...)  She is five months old.

Want to share your blessings or read more?  Head over to Living to Tell the Story.

~ Annette {This Simple Mom}


  1. I'm going to have to talk Jonathan into walking with me, because I REALLY need some exercise. That's great that you have a neighbor to walk with!

    Amen on the review books! :) Even though I get carried away at times, which causes frustration, I LOVE that I get to read so many books that I wouldn't otherwise get to.

    That's awesome that Little Sis is doing so well with food!

  2. Annette, I so enjoy these Friday posts of yours! Walking with a neighbor friend in the cool of the evening sounds like bliss. I do so have to agree with your no. 5 - Reviewing books has given me an opportunity to read a lot of books I would have otherwise had no way of reading.

  3. Im surprised at your baby eating only 1 to 2 jars a day.
    My twins are doing 10 jars a day... Yes 10 (Between the two of them of course)!!!!
    Oatmeal and fruits in the morning.
    Lunch is one veggie and one fruit for each
    Dinner is also one fruit and one veggie for each. They will begin meats and mixed jars next month...
    THey are turning 5 months in about 3 days.

    I need to start making baby food!

  4. I remember those days! I used to call them Zombie Days. :-) Hopefully your littlest one will begin sleeping through the night more regularly soon and you won't be quite as tired.

    I didn't grow up in a Christian family, either, and it's such a joy to base the holidays squarely on Jesus with my family.

  5. I'm behind on my scheduled posts as well. I'm workin' a day at a time around here! Hopefully Little Sis will kick in gear with sleeping through the night very, very soon!

  6. This has been a refreshing post. I love your creativity with your layout. Please come and do mine and I will take care of those little ones for you.
    You are at a very busy time of life....Enjoy those stages and you will feel so much better once Lil Sis sleeps through the night.

  7. Easter for me is decorating the house, painting eggs (when my son was a kid) looking for eggs which my grandpa hid so well that sometimes I found one from the last year. That's for me the "real" Easter.
    Your little Sis is a cutie ! My little grandson is now 15 months old, sleeps better and .... walks around to discover the world !

  8. The no sleep period will end (no that it is easy now). I know I was sleep deprived for years--I just don't remember it :)
    Your real Easter sounds like it was wonderful, including the extra family members.

  9. Oh she is absolutely adorable. You forget about the no sleep part when you look at that sweet face. Hope you get some really good refreshing nights of sleep in this week!

    How nice that others add to the meals when they stay over. That really does help to relieve some stress.

    Enjoy your books. I appreciate the review books too.


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